North American Bancard is one of the largest players in the field. Relying on a vast sales network of independent sales organization and representatives, companies that are considering North American Bancard are very often dealing with a 3rd Party. As a result the rates and fees will typically be higher than what a merchant can expect by working with another processor on our list directly.
Another area of concern is the cancellation fee, merchants who choose to sign a contract with North American Bancard are committing to a 3 year contract length with the company. This is for all merchants, so any merchant who is told that there is no specified length to the contract or cancellation/termination fee should be very wary as there are likely other items in the contract that have not been fully disclosed.
North American Bancard is based out of Troy, Michigan and is currently rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau. They keep this high ranking despite a number of complaints against them, due to the merchant having signed the contract along with the volume of accounts they have in their portfolio.
Stay or Switch from North American Bancard To Another Merchant Service?
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Note: Before you get started here is a final piece of advice from our co-founder Robert Evans on the importance of calling a merchant service provider and avoiding the temptation to ask for rates and quotes through email alone. Why You Should Always Call