Mercury Payment Systems is one of the larger players in the credit card processing industry. They accomplished this feat rather quickly having only incorporated in 2001. They are based out of Colorado, and have gained a significant portion of their market share through various partnerships with point of sale systems. They are currently rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau, with currently 13 outstanding complaints on file against them.
As with many of our other reviews, we were disappointed to find that many merchants while told there is no early cancellation fee when signing the contract, are eventually held to a $295 fee when they attempt to cancel there account. While Mercury claims those merchants who provide written notice 30 days in advance can have the fee waived, the experiences of various merchants on the internet dispute this claim.
Our research seems to dictate that many merchants comes across Mercury as a result of their interest in point of sale systems, Mercury has agreements with a number of point of sale providers to recommend their software as the installed version. if you are considering adding a point of sale system to your business, it is important to know that like any purchase you should review the options available and not sign with whatever merchant account provider is the one the point of sale provider “suggests”.
Stay or Switch from Mercury Payment Systems To Another Merchant Service?
Are you unhappy or happy with credit card procesor services Mercury Payment Systems ? Share your comments, insights, honest opinions, service levels from merchant account Mercury Payment Systems. Have you been Shutoff, Closed, Denied, Cancelled by Mercury Payment Systems? What are the ratings for Mercury Payment Systems? Post your experiences with Mercury Payment Systems on Sales Practices, Length of Contract, Hidden Fees, Early Termination Fees, Problems with Mercury Payment Systems, Chargebacks, Extra Fees, Transaction Rates, Contracts, Contacts, Support, Services Mercury Payment Systems. Find lower cost merchant account processor quotes and comparisons no contract service providers that have cheaper rates then Mercury Payment Systems. Leave your customer rating and review of Mercury Payment Systems below.

Advice from Fellow Small Business Owners
Closed my shop a few months ago. Called and closed all accounts… and ever since then I’ve still been getting a bill from Mercury Payment Systems.
Last month they charged me an extra $280 for a yearly security fee (total BS)… and also someone decided to try and deny a charge for a delivery they received from us back in May for $30
After calling MPS and dealing with multiple idiots and finally threatening to file a lawsuit against them, I was able to get the $280 back into my account, they just told me to fax them over the signed credit card slip (which I DID). The charge was never removed from my account, nor have I heard a single thing about it… until last week. Boom, $30 removed from my bank account! I call them up to see what the hell is going on and they just give me the run around and say I was suppose to take an imprint of the card on the delivery, the signiture doesnt do ANYTHING… THEN WHY DO THEY TELL YOU TO TAKE A SIGNITURE!!!???
And THEN, yesterday there is ANOTHER charge for $15 taken out of my account! Just so happens I go out and get the mail and BOOM, they jack me with a $15 fee for the $30 charge back!
Suggestions on my next course of actions?
I have worked with Mercury before and they are extremely knowledgeable on the different POS systems we have used, some being integrated with MPS and some not. They are a great company for customer service, knowledge and fair pricing. As with any merchant processor though, I have thought I was overcharged at times . They are willing to go through your bill with you, work with you and have a GREAT gift card program. They dont charge any transaction, swipe or monthly fees for using gift cards!
The sales rep who signed me up did tell me about the cancellation fee and if I were to leave MPS, what to do. As long as you provide a 30 day written notice to cancel, the cancellation fee is not assessed. I have been down the this road before with other processors, so I made sure to read the terms & conditions regarding that fee.
As long as you submit a 30 day notice to cancel BEFORE you actually cancel, there is $0 penalty fee. My guess is, the merchants who did provide that notice and were still charged had already left Mercury and then sent the notice. The 30 day notice means, you must still be processing with them for those last 30 days. Meaning, dont switch to another processor and then notify Mercury. As with any processor, they can see your daily volume and if it goes to $0 and then you send a cancellation notice, well technically you already cancelled because you are not using them anymore. Hence the 30 day notice is null and void.
Merchants who are asssessed that cancellation fee were just too ignorant to realize cancel the service, you probably need to be using that service. Not switch, then cancel.
You can go ahead and admit that you work for Mercury Mr.
What a joke of a company.
The cancellation process was followed to a “t” due to I have an attorney. Yet, still they took $295.00.
I think we should all get together and file consumer lawsuits against this company.
I am pretty sure Mercury is ran out of a garage with a filthy smoking fat man heading the wheel.
And, I am pretty sure the filthy smoking fat man is laughing all the way to the bank.
I wish I had RAN!
The cool part is they will never get my business again. And, if I can help it, I will not shop etc. at any place that utilizes Mercury.
Mercury should be black balled
You took the words right out of my mouth. That guy absolutely works for Mercury. I am a processor also, but at least I’m not representing otherwise. You might try to check the laws for your state. I live in Arkansas and the most you can charge someone who cancels/terminates an agreement in Arkansas is $50. Good luck!